Friday, July 29, 2022

Song of Echoes (Book One) by R.E. Palmer

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For the past three century's the Five Realms have known peace, under the protection of their leader The Archon. But in the north, there is an enemy, who was banished long ago, rising along with the Ruuk. The Archon's ability to protect the Five Realms comes under question.

Elodi, in her new position as the Lady Harlyn and Toryn an outsider where he lives must find a way to fight an enemy that their ancestors barely contained.

What I liked about this book

  • There is a sort of prologue in the first chapter that paints a really great picture in your head, it really draws you in
  • Well written - The story jumps back and forth between Elodi and Toryn, this allows the reader to get a great perspective on what is happing to each character in a way that flowed well.
  • Original take on epic fantasy- interesting plot

What I didn't like

  • As this book is the first in a series I found that it had quite a slow build up as you are still getting to know the characters and world. 

A lot of this book is world building, character introductions with some background explanations, I think that now that's out of the way the next book will be more gripping.

I would like to find out what happens next

3.5 stars


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